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Hi, I'm Gabriella

As a Nutritionist

I specialise in helping people with Prediabetes & Type 2 Diabetes

repair their blood sugar and HbA1c (naturally) without relying on a lifetime of medication.

Gabriella Kinnear-Nock Nutrition specialising in type 2 diabetes and prediabetes


I’m the proud founder of The T2 Diabetes Solution program, a 12-week step-by-step system to reverse insulin resistance with real food.


I'm a firm believer in that in order to reverse insulin resistance and diabetes you have to start in the kitchen. There is no magic solution.


What is needed is an understanding of what you can do every day to improve on your numbers over time, and how to implement new habits that work in real life.


Join my free Facebook community today!

If you find that no matter what you eat your blood sugar spikes, and that food has become confusing,
you are not alone

In my 12-week online program The Type 2 Diabetes Solution you get regular nutrition & lifestyle support from me and from a fantastic group of people who are going through exactly the same thing.


This is not a quick fix or a band-aid solution. We dig deep and deal with the root cause and fix that, together.

If this resonates with you and you want to learn more, start by downloading my FREE guide with of

Everything You Need In The Kitchen

to be successful!

Make nutrition work for YOU

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